According to Delta Zeta bylaws, "the purpose of this Sorority shall be to stimulate one another in the pursuit of knowledge." Academics is extremely important to the women of Delta Zeta, after all, receiving a quality education is the number one reason why we are all in college! A major goal in our chapter is to encourage and assist members in reaching their academic potential through incentive programs, study groups, GPA competitions, and a GPA requirement of a 2.8.
As sisters, we have the ability to hold each other accountable both inside and outside of the classroom. Whether it's always having someone to sit next to in class or having someone to go to when you need help, a sister will always be there. My hopes for my term as Academics Chair is to achieve top GPA among the Sororities on campus and help every girl that I can feel confident with the level that they are at in their academics.
“To my mind, growth.”
100% Involvement
As a Delta Zeta, you are held to the highest of standards, which includes being an active and involved college student. Expanding our involvement to organizations outside of our sorority provides personal growth, leadership experience, excellent time-management skills. Here are just some of the organizations our sisters are involved with:
- AMIGO - Orientation Leader
- Student Ambassador
- Student Government Association
- Red Zone
- Camp Ealge Leaders
- Biology Club
- Pre-Professional Health Club
- Habitat for Humanity
- Colleges Against Cancer
- Activities Programming Board
- Panhellenic Council
- Dance Marathon (USIDM)
- Intramural Sports
- The Shield
- Chemistry Club
- Nursing Association
- Honors
- Campus Tutors
- Social Work Society
- Order of Omega
- Fraternal Values Society - Xi Chapter
- Rho Sigma
For more information on how to get involved at USI please visit www.usi.edu/sdv and for a complete list of registered campus organizations.
Delta Zeta’s national philanthropy, supported by both collegiate and alumnae chapters, is speech and hearing and The Painted Turtle camp. Delta Zeta's partnerships with and The Painted Turtle and The Starkey Hearing Foundationwere announced at the 2006 National Convention. All of these important programs provide additional volunteer and giving opportunities for collegiate and alumnae members.
Chapters also support local and national speech and hearing organizations, such as Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., the only four-year liberal arts school in the world devoted wholly to the needs, instruction, and training of young people who are deaf, and the House Ear Institute, which is one of the world's foremost research, teaching, and treatment centers in the field of hearing.
Locally we support Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center through Camping for a Cause. During Camping for a Cause we "camp out" on Green River Road for 12 hours on a Friday and a Saturday and rise money for this wonderful charity! We also support the Red Cross of Evansville though a Penny War competition between other fraternities, sororities, and campus organizations!
Delta Zetas also volunteer at the Ronald McDonald house, participate in Relay for Life, Dance Marathon, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, the Walk for ALS, and support other fraternity and sorority philanthropies.
"In my office as philanthropy chair I have the opportunity to plan and facilitate multiple events a semester to help raise money and give time for those in need. My role in Delta Zeta is to essentially bridge the gap between our sisters and those in need. Having this office has helped me to grow as a person and has taught me to always put others before myself."
Sisterhood is at the core of our Delta Zeta chapter at USI. We form a strong organization of women who love spending time together. Rarely will you see one of us without another. Even though our lives get busy, we still make it a priority to spend time together.
Each month our chapter has a Sisterhood event. The sole purpose of these events are to have fun and bond with sisters. Each month’s sisterhood has a different “theme” and a different activity. At each event sisters write down someone who has “supported” them recently and why. These notes of encouragement often are about big things, such as “my boyfriend and I broke up and you let me cry to you”, and also about little things, such as “I needed a ride to work and you dropped everything and gave me a ride”. One of these notes are drawn out of a jar and the sister who did that supportive act wins “Supportive Sister” of that month. This is a fun way to emphasize the most important aspect of our chapter, the relationship between sisters …Sisterhood.
"I am the sisterhood chair for this amazing sorority, and my office is designed to create a fun and enjoyable environment for my sisters. Each month, I organize activities focused around sisterly bonding for our members to get closer and attain greater friendships. My office is basically meant for our sisters to get together and have fun, and I could not be more proud of my position in this chapter!"
"Sisterhood is many things. It’s a warm smile on a cold and rainy day, a friendly hug, a cheerful hello…It’s all that a good and lasting friendship is, only better. It’s treasured. It’s sacred. It’s knowing that there will always be someone there for you. It’s dreams shared, and goals achieved. It’s counting on others and being counted on. It is real.”